What we do

Our expertise

At IRMD Group, we work hand-in-hand with organisations of all sizes to:
1. inform their decision-making with comprehensive data-driven insights
2. use insights to build compelling financial models and business plans, with support services to access capital
3. empowering the organisation’s human capital, primarily in the areas of data-driven strategic decision making and business planning

Market Insights

IRMD Group’s primal business is to provide customised market intelligence that enables businesses to make informed decisions, using cutting-edge research methods and data analysis. Our innovative, scalable, real-time, affordable and intuitive solutions include

  • Custom Research
  • U&A studies
  • Product and concept testing
  • Audience measurement and ad testing
  • Customer Experience (incl. NPS, CSI)
  • Brand Health Study
  • Audience research
  • Mystery Shopping Study

Financial modelling & Business planning

Our expertise in this area includes

  • Market analysis: Detailed examination of market dynamics, consumer behaviour and competitive landscapes to identify opportunities and risks.
  • Strategic business planning: Developing robust financial models and compelling business plans that serve as a roadmap to success, aligning market opportunities with organisational capabilities.
  • Feasibility studies: Assessing the practicality and financial viability of new projects or business expansions to ensure sustainable growth.
  • Investment Facilitation: Acting as a conduit between organisations and investors, ensuring that viable projects receive the necessary funding to thrive.

Trainings in data-driven decision making and business planning

Education and capacity building are part of IRMD GROUP’s mission. The company is dedicated to equipping organisations with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the competitive business environment. This educational arm will offer

  • Professional courses and workshops: Delivery of comprehensive training programmes in data-driven decision making, business planning and related areas.
  • Resource Development: Creating a repository of educational materials, case studies and best practices in market research and business planning, all related to business.

The IRMD Group aims to catalyse growth and innovation in Africa’s MSME sector through investment, research, marketing and development efforts.
In today’s knowledge economy, our primary focus is to provide MSMEs with access to high quality, affordable and real-time data and insights for data-driven strategic decision making to drive business performance and economic growth.
We are also committed to providing quality business education and supporting financial inclusion for MSMEs.


IRMD Group LLP | 20 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU, UK | contact@irmd.net | www.irmd.net